Friday, November 12, 2010

Immigrants Create Jobs

Despite the political salience of blaming immigrants for job losses in America, economists, scholars and journalists have conclude quite the opposite. Immigrants are creating jobs at a rate higher than the native-born, from small businesses to some of the most innovative high-tech companies. In other words, immigrants fuel wealth creation from Main Street to Wall Street.

Globally speaking, a new study indicate that the relationship between globalization, outsourcing, and migrant labor is complex. But the presence of immigrants still contribute to an overall net gain in American labor market.

Also, other findings show:

  • Massachusetts’s 18,081 Asian-owned businesses had sales and receipts of $5.0 billion and employed 37,193 people in 2002, the last year for which data is available.
  • The state’s 15,933 Latino-owned businesses had sales and receipts of $2.1 billion and employed 15,319 people in 2002 (U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners)
  • According to the National Venture Capital Association, bellwether American companies such as eBay, Intel, and Google were founded by immigrants, and employ thousands of workers and producing billions of dollars in profit. (e.g. Intel Corporation alone brought in 38.8 billion, and employed 99,900 in 2005)
Encouraging immigrant entrepreneurship will not only grow our domestic economy but also boost US competitiveness and emerge stronger in the post-recession global economy.

Next week, a group of stakeholders will meet to discuss this exciting topic at Babson College, a leading business school in examining the role of immigrants in fueling entrepreneurship and economic development.

Immigrant Entrepreneurship Symposium - 11/17


A Collaboration of

The Immigrant Learning Center and Babson College

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Executive Conference Center

Babson College, Wellesley, MA

Entrepreneurs = Wealth and Job Creation

Immigrants = Jet Fuel for Entrepreneurship in Massachusetts

Massachusetts immigrants are a proven driving force for entrepreneurship from neighborhood revitalization to increasing numbers of transnational businesses to innovation in science and engineering. Come learn from and network with immigrant entrepreneurs, researchers and experts from the field. They will present data, experiences, ideas and recommendations to accelerate immigrant entrepreneurship for economic and job growth in the Commonwealth.

Click here to see agenda and speakers

Click here to register on line

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The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) and do not represent the views of MIRA's member organizations.