Monday, November 22, 2010

Bigotry goes mobile

Apple approved a new iPhone application for mobile bigotry. NumbersUSA, founded by white supremacist John Tanton, is notorious for starting the fire and fanning the flames of anti-immigrant sentiments.

The new NumbersUSA app shows "news" and action alerts that consistently labels children as anchor babies; undocumented immigrant youth as criminal aliens; single Latino mothers as "welfare queens."

Apple exercises a policy which screens out offensive applications, including a rejecting a health care reform app for being too political, but has somehow let this app slip.
Tell Apple that "applications that support anti-immigrant fervor have no place in the iTunes Store, and providing a platform for bigotry is never okay."

Sign the petition via, or call Apple's public relations line at 408-974-2042.

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The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) and do not represent the views of MIRA's member organizations.