MIRA welcomes the new year with great news — Just as it was about to run out at the end of January, the Commonwealth Care Bridge program has been funded until the end of this fiscal year, June 30, 2011!
Governor Patrick submitted and the legislature passed the supplemental budget approving these funds shortly after a productive late December meeting with Secretary of Administration and Finance Jay Gonzalez and Connector Executive Director Glen Shor. Hosted by Healthcare for All, the meeting was attended by MIRA, SEIU 1199, Mass Law Reform Institute, the American Cancer Society, Greater Boston Interfaith Organization and the MA Hospital Association.
Thanks to our members, partner advocates, and the administration for not forgetting the the group of over 20,000 tax-paying permanent residents, or AWSS (aliens with special status). The program (run by CeltiCare) was completely cut by the legislature last Spring during the FY2011 budget process, with the possibility of funding it via federal FMAP funding (Federal Medical Assistance Percentages). Although FMAP funding was appropriated for Massachusetts, the program eventually went unfunded, and was temporarily extended through the Commonwealth Trust Fund.
This latest decision to fully extend funding is significant relief for thousands of families, but comes with a caveat: it does not allow new enrollees. MIRA will continue to keep you posted on the program.
In addition, we are excited to share that the supplemental budget also included promised funding for the Department of Public Health line item which covers the RISE programs (Refugee Immigrant Safety & Empowerment), making good on the legislative promise that this line would not receive cuts if federal funding was granted.

Such great news! Due, in no small part, to the amazing advocacy of MIRA! A victory, indeed!