Wednesday, July 7, 2010

PRESS ADVISORY: Press Conference Protests Arizona Governor's Visit, Praises Admin. Lawsuitng

Communities to Protest Arizona Gov.
at National Governor’s Association Meeting

MIRA joins press conference to protest Gov. Brewer-- and applaud federal suit against Arizona
BOSTON — At 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, July 7, community activists will hold a press conference in front of the Sheraton Hotel, the site of this weekend’s annual meeting of the National Governor’s Association. Their message: We will vigorously challenge Arizona law SB1070 and all other similar anti-immigrant bills being considered around the country.
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed the bill that launched a nationwide anti-immigrant surge, will be attending the annual National Governor’s Association meeting in Boston at the end of this week. The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) joins with the ANSWER Coalition and dozens of other community groups on the East Coast to protest at that meeting. The protest is gathering on Saturday, July 10 at 12 noon at Copley Square.
"The Arizona law usurps federal authority and practically mandates racial profiling, threatening the civil rights of every Hispanic resident and person of color in Arizona," said Franklin Soults, Communications Director at MIRA. "We at MIRA applaud the Obama administration for announcing a federal lawsuit against the state, but it is not enough. We, the people, must raise our voices too. Everyone who treasures this nation's diversity should stand up and let Governor Jan Brewer hear their outrage, wherever she travels."
Speakers at the July 7 press conference will include:
  • The Most Rev. Bishop Felipe Teixeira, Diocese of St. Francis of Assisi, CCA
  • Franklin Soults, Communications Director, Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition
  • Dimple Rana, Deported Diaspora
  • Jennifer Zaldana, ANSWER Coalition
  • Dorotea Manuela, Boston May Day Committee
  • Susan Church, National Lawyers Guild-Massachusetts
Press conference to discuss protests against Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's Boston appearance at the National Governor's Association meeting on Saturday, July 10.
In front of the Sheraton Hotel
39 Dalton Street (at Belvidere Street)
Boston, MA
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
12:15 p.m.

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The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) and do not represent the views of MIRA's member organizations.